Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Visiting an American Family

Last Sunday, my friends and I had the pleasure to visit Christina's parents, Neil and Chris Napolitan. Christina was there too with her beautiful daughter and some family's friends, They're so lovely people and welcomed us so well. I felt home! We ate grilled pizza (ummm! Delicious!) which we choose our ingredients and also hot dogs, salads, ice-creams, and many drinks. It's so great may live moments like that and I'll remember them forever! Thank you so much for the opportunity!


  1. Christina's parents are lovely people. Their family and their friends too. Thanks a lot for the opportunity to exchange knowledge and to share their experiences with me and my friends.

  2. Yes, for sure. It was such a pleasure!

  3. It was so much fun! I know my parents enjoyed your visit very much...and I did, too! ~Christina
