Monday, July 15, 2013

GO YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had an amazing experience last Friday: I went to a baseball game of the New Yorkers!! Actually I don't know many things about this game, but the atmosphere in that place was pure magic!
But at first I have to tell you that was an adventure to get there, because when I was in the subway with my friend Deiby I realized that I'd forgotten my ticket! And the worst thing: the train was so slowly that for the first time I could see the tunels of the subway in a clearly way (it could be amazing if I wasn't almost crying thinking how silly I was), my friend Deiby was really great, she tried to give me suggestions to solve the problem, just like: "we'll call to the girls at townhouse and they can take your tickets at your dorm". When we finally arrived at Bryant Park we realized that the girls were gone. I decided to went back home, but my dearest friend told me she would went back home with me... It was an unforgettable act! Love you my friend!!!! To finish our journey we came to the game almost 1 hour late but we could have an incredible time!


  1. You are great and powerful Brazilian girls!!!Never forget it! :p

  2. You are a very good friend!!!

  3. thanks Ivinne, you too! and my friend Deiby, I'll never forget you!
