Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Liberty

Hey you guys! 

On July 5th my friends Maíra, Heraldo and me went to visit The Statue of Liberty. We woke up early - about 5:30 - and we almost didn't arrive on time. We were in line when we met some Brazilian friends who are atudying at Charlotte University in North Carolina. I finally could see the statue that only saw in movies, TV shows, pictures and on the Internet. It was a great emotion. When we got off on the island the emotion grew up. For me that was the best moment. I can't even describe. My friends in Brazil thrilled to my picture I posted on facebook. I really recommend to visit that amazing monument. 


  1. That's amazing man.. I haven't gone there yet but I agree with you. This fantastic monument is present in a bunch of media work. I can imagine the emotion you felt. I'm looking foward to feel it as well. Congratuations!

  2. Wow! Great pics guys!! I'm just waiting for this moment.
