Monday, July 15, 2013

An Approach On Cultural Pluralism

Cultural Pluralism – Globalization

“The postmodern era was born out of the loss of the modern idea of the ‘universe.’ Postmoderns no longer accept the validity of the vision of a single integral world. In connection with this, the postmodern intellectual ethos resists explanations that are held to be all-encompassing and universally valid. Postmoderns are inclined to prize difference over uniformity and to respect the local and particular more than the universal.” Grenz, Stanley. 1997

“O espírito pós-moderno resiste às explicações unificadas, abrangentes e universalmente válidas.  Ele as substitui por um respeito pela diferença e pela celebração do local  e do particular à custa do universal.” Grenz, Stanley. 1997

DISNEYLÂNDIA (TITÃS)  *ARNALDO ANTUNES (Brazilian poet, composer and singer) / (an unauthorized English version)

Filho de imigrantes russos casado na Argentina com uma pintora judia casou-se pela segunda vez com uma princesa africana no México. Russian immigrants’ son married in Argentina with a Jewish painter got married, for the second time, with an African princess in Mexico.

Música hindú contrabandeada por ciganos poloneses faz sucesso no interior da Bolívia. Hindu music smuggled by Polish Gypsies thrives within Bolivia.

Zebras africanas e cangurus australianos no zoológico de Londres. African zebras and Australian kangaroos at London Zoo.

Múmias egípcias e artefatos incas no museu de Nova York. Egyptian mummies and Incan artifacts at a museum in New York.

Lanternas japonesas e chicletes americanos nos bazares coreanos de São Paulo. Japanese flashlights and American bubble gums in the Korean bazaars of São Paulo.

Imagens de um vulcão nas Filipinas passam na rede de televisão em Moçambique. Pictures of a volcano in the Philippines broadcasted in Mozambique.

Armênios naturalizados no Chile procuram familiares na Etiópia. Armenians naturalized in Chile look for family members in Ethiopia.

Casas pré-fabricadas canadenses feitas com madeira colombiana. Canadian prefabricated houses made ​​with Colombian wood.
 Multinacionais japonesas instalam empresas em Hong-Kong e produzem com matéria prima brasileira para competir no mercado americano. Japanese multinational companies settle in Hong Kong and  produce with Brazilian raw materials  to compete in the American market.

Literatura grega adaptada para crianças chinesas da comunidade européia. Greek literature adapted for European Union’s Chinese children.

Relógios suíços falsificados no Paraguai vendidos por camelôs no bairro mexicano de Los Angeles. Swiss fake watches in Paraguay sold by street vendors in a Mexican neighborhood in Los Angeles.

Turista francesa fotografada semi-nua com o namorado árabe na baixada fluminense. French tourist is photographed semi-naked with her Arabic boyfriend  in Baixada Fluminense.

Filmes italianos dublados em inglês com legendas em espanhol nos cinemas da Turquia. Italian movies dubbed in English with Spanish subtitles at movie theaters in Turkey.

Pilhas americanas alimentam eletrodomésticos ingleses na Nova Guiné. American batteries feed  British household appliances in  New Guinea.

Gasolina árabe alimenta automóveis americanos na África do Sul.  Arab gas fuels  American cars in South Africa.

Pizza italiana alimenta italianos na Itália. Italian pizza feeds Italians in Italy.

Crianças iraquianas fugidas da guerra não obtém visto no consulado americano do Egito para entrarem na Disneylândia. Iraki children fleeing the war don’t  get visa at the U.S. Consulate in Egypt to enter Disneyland.

The mentioned subject has been dealt in our English Refinement Classes (Professor Jeffery Wimperis).
Such an attempt would make it possible and feasible for a teacher to deal with a universal theme in class and also motivate students to get more insterested in studying/learning the English language.


  1. It was an interesting lecture about pluralism... Congrats dear!!!

  2. I am so proud of you! Good job! :p

  3. This was an excellent presentation, thank you for sharing!

  4. I'm sure you play a good lawyer for whatever idea you defend... Nice job!
