Sunday, June 30, 2013


Last Friday I had an amazing time at NY Public Library. I went with my PDPI colleagues to visit that incredible place that has about 4,500,000 different titles. We were guided by a pleasant lady who works there as a volunteer. NY City Public Library, as we could notice, has a combination of old and modern knowledge and things.
I wish everybody could visit this temple of culture at least once in lifetime.

Keep calm and go ahead!

It has completed a week that we arrived at New York and the thing that calls my attention during this period was the way americans speak. It's too fast, mainly considering people who works at the restaurants. Sometimes it's so hard to comprehend what they are asking you. It's embarassing to say "Sorry! Can you repeat, please?". People seems to be bored when they hear this kind of question. I was at a certain restaurant and I didn't understand what the attendant said. At that moment I felt completely lost but my friend Fabio helped me to answer her. This situation frustrated me, but at the same time gave me fuel to continue trying to establish communication with people around.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Queens Botanical Garden

This Saturday the PDPI was introduced to the volunteering work at the Queens Botanical Garden. Just entering that place we could realize why people like going there, mainly the chinese seniors, who were there taking care of their bodies and minds. Maureen, a nice woman, gave us some intructions and then, we took some tools and cleaned the place to prepare the vegetable garden. It was an enjoyable morning!

Madame Tussauds New York

Yesterday, after visiting The New Public Library, just walking by the 42nd street, we've got into a place where we could meet many famous celebrities. In each corner of that place there was a sign: "and the attraction continues". So, guys, you can become a celebrity at Madame Tussauds.
today we went on a tour guide,
 a unique place with plants and such lovely flowers -Queens Botanical Garden- so nice people. we worked together and had such great nice time.

 'Enjoy the place and beauty'- Joan - written on a bench at the garden.^^

04 of July

Hi guys,
just wonderful. Madame Tussauds New York. we went there and took beautiful photos,
in a place with over 220 world-famous celebrities .
I loved it!!!!
go there, you will love it! :)

Tour at New York Public Library

It was an amazing tour! I could turn back in my American Literature classes. I really appreciated visit the place where are many of the most important writers' masterpieces. Thanks PDPI

Hi, everyone

I am so happy to take part of the St.John´s University. I'm living an awesome experience here in NYC: with my classmates, my professors , coordinators. To study abroad  fills some gaps in my career!

Our first week at St. John's University

Hi everyone! I'm sure you have lots of things to tell about our first week at this great university. Since we arrived here it has been an intensive time, because we've been attending the classes, doing the homework, visiting places and going shopping. Sometimes it seems that we're going back home tomorrow, because everybody was really excited of being in NY and trying to do many things at the same time. Guys, come on, we still have 5 weeks, so keep calm, if you can... enjoy each thing at its time. I'd like to say "Thank you so much Christina and David" and of course, the professors Sue and Camille.

New York Public Library

Hi, everyone! Yesterday we had a great time at the New York Public Library. There was a  nice lady giving us some important information about the main things of the library, she was just a volunteer there. It is worth to know this special place in the city!!!

Friday, June 28, 2013



We visited Central park. just wonderful!!!
Central Park is a public park at the center of Manhattan in New York City. The park initially opened in 1857, on 778 acres of city-owned land.
it was such a great time. I enjoyed everthing little thing specially being with my friends! itr was funny too, do you remember friends? :)

yesterday we went to the library. It was a great experience! I had to get information with a kind  attendant. I've tested my English and realize that I'm not so bad kkkkkk
Good Morning!
it's just a great , unique and unforgetable experience to be here at St. John's University. it's such a beautiful place, plenty of flowers, and excellent English teaching and studying.
I enjoy the university's atmosphere of collaboration.
I would like to thank all the staff from St. John's University!!!!
I am really happy to be here! :)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

American Embassy in Brazil

Brazilian Public School Teachers improve their English in a six-week Exchange Program in USA. The Program is sponsored by CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - in partnership with the US Mission in Brazil and Fullbright . Last week, in Brasília, We had the great opportunity to know and talk to the American Ambassador in Brazil and the Representant of North Region, where I live, Jeffrey Lodermeier. #pdpi2013 #stjohnsuniversity


What a great university St. JOHN'S is!
Since I arrived here, I'm really surprised with the size of this campus and the organization of this big institution. I wonder why I didn't have the chance of studying in a such a big and good university like this. I wish we had institutions working this way in Brazil.

Good morning....
Learning how to work with Longman Interactive English. I think it will be very useful for us!
It`s been a great day, full of news and nice things to do in studies. I`ve liked Longman course a lot!!!!
We are here learning how to use Longman English Interactive 3!!! It is a great tool!!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I'm  here ready to share my thoughts! THIS IS THE MOST AWESOME EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE!
We are St. John's!
Very happy to be here!


Good morning, everyone. I hope you all have a nice stay at St Johns! It's a very beautiful place with lots of good and intersting people! Enjoy it!


This is the first post of the St. John's Queens PDPI blog. Share your thoughts and experiences about the PDPI program here!